If you are the “victim” you can blame others for your failures.If you are the “victim,” you don’t have to take responsibility for any bad behaviors.If you are the “victim,” you don’t have to take responsibility for any problems in the relationship.
In What Ways Does Playing the Victim Pay-Off? That is the pay-off, being in a relationship that enables them to have the upper hand. They know that most people involved with a passive aggressive are empathetic, most are co-dependent and most don’t like the idea of others suffering…in other words, they are very easily manipulated. The passive aggressive knows something about the person they are intimately involved with. What is the pay-off for the passive-aggressive who plays the victim? It is a ploy they use to turn the tables and make them appear to be the injured party. Simple huh? Simple until you become involved with a passive aggressive! If we weren’t getting something out of it, we wouldn’t be doing it. There is a pay-off for all of us when it comes to the way we conduct ourselves in life. Not only human behavior but the reasons behind the behavior. Why Does the Passive Aggressive Play the Victim Role?